Re-post my jobs automatically
Per month, billed annually upfront
Unlimited number of jobs on the My Startup Gig Job board for 1 year.

Jobs are automatically reposted from your careers page: it's set and forget.
Unlimited job ads
Visibility on the most well-known platform for startup jobseekers
Quarterly report on traffic to your job ads

How it works

We aim for minimum effort for maximum visibility of your jobs. The level of automation depends on how easily our scraper can pull information from your website.

Your admin can always manually post a non-featured job for free at any time.

Automation schedule
  • If you have an ATS-style careers page (i.e. Lever, BreezyHR, JazzHR), changes to your careers page will be updated on our job board on a daily basis.
  • If you have a non-standardised careers page (i.e. custom built), changes to your careers page will be updated on our job board on a monthly basis.
  • If you don't have a careers page, and post your jobs on LinkedIn, changes to your careers page will be updated on our job board on a monthly basis.

Who uses My Startup Gig?

Our 3 projects - the Job Board, Getting a Job Guide, and Top Startup Employers report, established us as the central voice for startup jobs in Australia.

As the voice of startup jobs, My Startup Gig is shared by VCs, career programs, universities, and recruiters across Australia.

Our user base are people who either work in startups, or have made the decision to transition to their first startup role. Our demographic is broad - from early to late career,  across all job functions, across Australia.

Getting started


Purchase annual license
Our pricing is $10 per month - just enough to cover our costs.

We require 12 months upfront due to the upfront work required to get you set up on our platform.


Set up company profile
To get you set up on the platform, we reach out to the admin email provided when you purchase the license. We'll ask for the company name, logo, social links and the link to your jobs page (this can be either a careers page or LinkedIn).

You will also choose a company admin(s) - who can make changes on the company's behalf on the job board. For example, if you want to change the company name, description or logo.


Wait 4 business days
We need some time to set up the automation.


Jobs go live

Your jobs will start appearing on the My Startup Gig job board.
For all enquiries, contact
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